Search Engine Optimisation

Research has shown that 85% of all Internet users use search engines to find what they need. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of tuning the content of a website to improve the volume or quality of traffic from these search engines.

Domain Names

If being found in the major search engines is important to you, then you should register a Domain Name that contains the major keywords that your target audience would likely use when they search.

Meta Description Tag

The META description tag contains a description of your site. This description will be shown by the Search Engines when your site is displayed in a search. Your description should describe your page in detail and contain important keywords.

Page Titles

Using simple page titles that reflect the content of the page is an effective optimisation technique. This makes it easier for the search engines to understand what your site is about.

Page Content

Keywords are a vital part of the Search Engine Optimisation process. Careful thought should be given to the words users would type to find your website, and including these words within your pages. These search terms need to be relevant to your website and popular enough to result in plenty of traffic to your site. Google provides a useful keyword tool.